Professional Achievements by CTL Staff

Professional Achievements by the CTL staff 2012-13:

Kelley, Bruce, Justin Smith & Ernetta Fox (2013) Preparing Your Campus for Veterans’ Success:  An Integrated Approach to Facilitating the Transition and Persistence of our Military Students.  Sterling, VA:  Stylus Publishing.

Book Chapters:
Mosterd, Eric.  (In Press).  “Run-DMC”.  In Moskowitz, D. (Ed.) The 100 Best Bands of All Time.  California:  ABC-CLIO.

Journal Articles:
Smith, Justin. (2013).  Sink or Swim:  The Climate for Teaching as Viewed by Award-Winning Teachers.  The Journal of Faculty Development 27(1):  20-27.

Hagar, Faye.  (October, 2012).  Conference Web App for the Professional and Organizational Development (POD) Network National Conference, Seattle, WA.

National Web Seminars:
Kelley, Bruce; Smith, Justin & Fox, Ernetta.  (2012, October).  “Best Practices in Teaching Student Veterans.”  Madison, WI:  Magna Publications, Inc. 

DVD Productions:
 Kelley, Bruce.  “Teaching Student Veterans in the Classroom.”  20-Minute Mentor series.  Madison, WI:  Magna Publications, Inc. (October 1, 2012 recording date).

Kelley, Bruce.  “Designing Courses to Enhance Student Veterans’ Success.”  20-Minute Mentor series.  Madison, WI:  Magna Publications, Inc. (October 1, 2012 recording date).

Smith, Justin.  “How Can I Help Student Veterans Transition to Campus?” 20-Minute Mentor series.  Madison, WI:  Magna Publications, Inc. (October 1, 2012 recording date).

Smith, Justin.  FIDES:  The Student Veterans with Disabilities Quality Education Initiative, Fund for the Improvement of Post-Secondary Education (FIPSE)—United States Department of Education, September 2010-September 2013, $500,000.00. No-cost extension approved through August, 2013.

Intellectual Property Rights Contracts:
Liberty University (Lynchburg, VA) Memorandum of Understanding to use materials developed as part of the Fides:  Student Veterans with Disabilities Quality Education Initiative, 2012.

University System of Georgia Board of Regents, Memorandum of Understanding to use materials developed as part of the Fides:  Student Veterans with Disabilities Quality Education Initiative, 2012.

Consulting Activities:
Haggar, Faye.  (2012, October).  Vermillion School District In-service on Educational Technology.

Haggar, Faye.  (2013).  Designer of N-Lighten curriculum for Paul Mitchell Schools that focuses on healthy social-emotional skills and relationships.  Curriculum will be piloted nationally Fall of 2013.

Kelley, Bruce; Rice McCoy, Janet & Gastle, Brian.  (2013, March).  Western Carolina University’s Coulter Faculty Commons.

Conference Presentations:

Chen, Weichao; Allen, C. & Jonassen, D.  (2013, May). “Does Collaborative Mapping Enhance Group Members’ Knowledge Convergence?”  Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education, Beijing, China.

Chen, Weichao; Haggar, Faye & Kelley, Bruce. (2013, May). “Evaluation of Faculty Development Practices.” Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education, Beijing, China.

Haggar, Faye; Clark, Chris; Darrow, Jenny & Brophy, Judy.  “From Pencils to Pixels:  Tools for Helping Faculty Integrate Technology.”  Professional and Organizational Development (POD) Network National Conference, Seattle, WA.

Haggar, Faye & Kelley, Bruce.  (2012, October). “Technogogy-Centered Course Design.” Professional and Organizational Development (POD) Network National Conference, Seattle, WA.

Kelley, Bruce; Linse, Angela & ‘Gray, Tara.  (2012, October). “Getting the Most Out of Your Budget:  Financing 101 for Faculty Developers.”  Professional and Organizational Development (POD) Network National Conference, Seattle, WA.

Kelley, Bruce; Smith, Justin & Dean, Jason.  (2013, May). “Preparing Your Campus for Veterans’ Success: Best Practices in Advising Student Veterans.”  NACADA Region 6 Annual Conference, Sioux Falls, SD.

Moen, Matt (chair); Kelley, Bruce; Tuve, Susan; Freidel, Kelsey; Rozum, Molly & Struckman-Johnson, Cindy.  (2012, October).  “Women students and the lifecycle of higher education:  recruiting, educating, and connecting women to their alma mater.”  (Plenary roundtable session.)  Women and Gender Research Conference.  Vermillion, SD.

Smith, Justin.  (May, 2013).  “Helping Student Vets Transition to the College Experience.”  Centers Conference 2013, Sioux Falls, SD.

Spangler, S., Prins, A., Bramlett, D., & Smith, J. (2012, November). “Development of an online toolkit to facilitate student success.”  In S. McCaslin (Chair), Overcoming barriers to care for returning veterans: Expanding services to the college campus.  Symposium conducted at the International Society of Traumatic Stress Studies, Los Angeles, CA.

Professional Service:
Chen, Weichao (session host).  (2013, May).  “Teacher Professional Development, Policy, and Assessment of Learning.” Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education, Beijing, China.

Chen, Weichao.  Reviewer.  “C8:  Digital Technology, Innovation, and Education” Division of the 2013 Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education, Beijing, China.

Haggar, Faye.  POD Electronic Communications and Resource Committee (ECRC) Coordinator.

Haggar, Faye.  (2012).  Author, wikiPODia, the POD national wiki page.

Kelley, Bruce.  Associate Editor, College Music Symposium (Journal of the College Music Society).

Kelley, Bruce.  Reviewer:  To Improve the Academy (Journal of the POD Network).

Kelley, Bruce.  Reviewer:  POD National Conference.

Kelley, Bruce.  Member, POD National Finance and Audie Committee.

Mosterd, Eric.  Regents Fellow for e-Education Initiatives.

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