Monday, March 10, 2014

MOOCs and More: Lecture & workshop on Disruptive/Innovative Technology in Higher Education

Dear colleagues,

Technology’s impact on higher education has been undeniable.  MOOCs, Online learning, Big Data, virtual collaborations, open educational resources and more have revolutionized the traditional college experience.  How will technology effect learning, teaching and creative inquiry in the future?  How will it effect OUR future?

Dr. Ray Schroeder, a noted expert in disruptive/innovative technology in higher education, will be on campus Monday March 17 and Tuesday, March 18.  He will lead a series of events that will examine technology’s role in education.  Ray Schroeder is Associate Vice Chancellor for Online Learning at the University of Illinois Springfield and Director of the Center for Online Leadership and Strategy at the University Continuing and Professional Education Association (UPCEA).  Schroeder has numerous national presentations and publications in online and technology-enhanced learning. Ray has published the popular Online Learning Update and Educational Technology blogs for the past decade. He was a Sloan Consortium Distinguished Scholar in Online Learning 2002-2003, recipient of the 2002 Sloan-C award for the “Most Outstanding Achievement in ALN by an Individual,” University of Southern Maine “Visiting Scholar in Online Learning” 2006-2009, and co-founder of the New Century Learning Consortium. Ray was named the inaugural 2010 recipient of the Sloan Consortium's highest Individual award - the A. Frank Mayadas Leadership Award. Ray received the 2011 University of Illinois Distinguished Service Award. Schroeder is an inaugural Sloan Consortium Fellow and the 2012 Innovation Fellow for Digital Learning by the UPCEA.

The entire USD community is invited to participate in the following events with Dr. Schroeder.  You may register for either of these events by calling 605-677-5411 or by emailing us at 

Keynote lecture:  Disruptive Technology and Higher Education
Monday, March 17, 4:00-5:00, Beacom 133.

Dr. Schroeder will present an open lecture on the future of higher education in light of recent technological developments.  This is the time and place to learn about MOOCs and all their variants, as well as other forms of technology that may disrupt or innovate higher education.

Workshop on Teaching and Technology:  Emerging Technologies and Practices Shaping Higher Education
Tuesday, March 18, 2:00-5:00, MUC 216

We will examine the current and coming technologies and trends that changing the way we teach and learn.  Our workshop will emphasize resources and models that can make the transitions comfortable and effective for both faculty members and students.  Participants are welcome to drop in and out of this workshop as your schedule allows.  Don’t hesitate to come even for just an hour!

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